Ruhango: Construction taxi park delays

Ruhango: Construction taxi park delays

Ruhango District’s private sector has come under fire for holding up the development of the taxi park by refusing to contribute to the building’s budget.

The president of the Ruhango Vision Campaign, Dr. Usengumuremyi Jean Marie Vianney, claims that approximately 11 private enterprises have already contributed to the building of the Ruhango taxi park.

The number of private companies that meet the criteria to be referred to as members of the Company is approximately 11, out of a total of more than 50.

Dr. Usengumuremyi declared that more than 50 business owners had made the decision to pool their resources in order to construct a contemporary tax park, where each investor must contribute at least 13 million Rwf.

He said that some members of the business sector have only contributed a portion of 100,000 frw since they jointly made this choice.

He stated, “Initially, we had planned that this building will cost 1 billion and 200 million frw, but now the cost of the equipment has increased.”

According to Dr. Usengumuremyi, the slow pace of tax park building is due to the small number of people who have finished their shares.

He said, “Now it would not be easy for us to take a loan from the Bank, unless we first return the District shares.”

According to the mayor of Ruhango District, Habarurema Valens, the district owns a 35% part of the building, with the remaining 75% coming from the private sector.

Habarurema stated: “Tax park is being built by 2 people, it is being built by the District in collaboration with Ruhango Vision Campaign which is made up of the private sector.”

On April 24, 2022, Jean Marie Vianney Gatabazi, a former local government minister, laid the foundation stone for the tax park’s construction.

Only when you look at the progress of the work, and compare it with the number of those who have already given their shares, there is a gap that requires the private sector to join forces.

Parking spaces, a shopping area, and a place to eat and drink will all be included in this tax park.



Johnson NDEKEZI is a Journalist covering all topics in the Entertainment World as well as Political and current Affairs.

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