Korean Foundation, Seamaul devotes expertise and facilities to farmers in Kamonyi district

Korean Foundation, Seamaul devotes expertise and facilities to farmers in Kamonyi district

Farmers in Kamonyi District trained on improving farming techniques including skills on how to use small-scale to high-yield farming and allocated post-harvest handling facilities.

The training was spearheaded by the Saemaul Foundation ( SMUF) a South Korean Foundation.

South Korea farmers taught their Rwandan counterpart in the southern province about how to apply modern farming technologies such as using available resources like land and available water bodies in their area to sustainably produce harvest and address food security.

For almost nine months, The Saemaul Foundation provided trainings to farmers to farmers belonging to Maize and Vegetable Cooperatives including KOUBITE and COAMALEKA both located in Kamonyi District.

Tremendous benefits for farmers in Kamonyi

Joseph Ntamuhanga, a farmer from the COAMALEKA Cooperative and who is among the beneficiaries has a heartfelf appreciations to the Saemaul Foundation equipping them with useful facilities.

He said, “When Saemaul arrived here in Kamonyi, especially here in Gikoro, we started getting trained on different things . There have been a significant changes in how we use to cultivate. This displays strides that have been made towards improving agriculture.”

Seraphine Nyirandimubanzi, a mother and also farmer who resides in Remera cell recounted that- although the training took long time, it has provided them with full-packaged knowledge that she assures to apply for enabling her to yield much harvest for domestic use and markets as well.

She said, ” We were trained on reforming our agriculture systems, proper management of Cooperatives planning agendas. This professionally helps to determine how much you should invest and the rates of harvest you could earn.”

Claude Nshimiyimana who leads KOUBITE Cooperative acknowledges that skills from the trainings will contribute to economic development of farmers. He also thanks SAEMAUL for dedicating such opportunity to them.

Claude Nshimiyimana who leads KOUBITE Cooperative tanks SEAMAUL

Addition of Agriculture inputs and warehouse facilities to farmers

Modern Agriculture inputs and warehouses were also launched in Rugarika Sector and Karama Sector of Kamonyi District for helping farmers access seeds and fertilisers near to them and without spending much time.

Farmers see the warehouses as solutions to delays that occurred in providing seeds and fertilizers on proper time.

Previously, farmers could get the inputs when the planting season could be almost over, thus leading to loss in harvest.

Clemantine Uwanyirigira, a maize farmer from Runda Sector of Kamonyi district expects to increase boast maize harvest by exceeding three tonnes from only one hectares that she produced previously.

“Last season, I harvested three tonnes from one hectares and I was only using organic manure as fertiliser. With the addition of chemical fertilizers and practical skills I have obtained, my production is expected to double.,” said Uwanyirigira.

She revealed that on account of the previous loss, many farmers have been regretting and hesitating to plant maize again for the current season.

Leonard Ngendahimana inserted that lack of reliable warehouses for storage could lead farmers sell the harvests a low price fearing the damages that could result from poor post-harvest handling techniques.

” Now we can store our harvest until we get a preferable market with fair prices” he told Rwandan Sun.

Moon Sunghye, Director of SAEMAUL Rwanda, told Rwanda Sun that based on the training offered to farmers, he hopes that climate change concerns are going to be tackled.

“This year’s training program shed lights on effective cooperative management and climate change resilience to boast productivity using critical resources available.

She expects that the trained farmers will scale the expertise through sharing them with other farmers in their communities.

“They are willing to share information, I liked the fact that they highly attended this training and how cooperative leaders have made this possible .” Sunghye added.

Deputy Mayor of Kamonyi District in charge of Economy and Development, Uzziel Niyongira commended SAEMAUL for mobilizing the initiatives in rural districts and agreed that it will solve food insecurity. She pledged partnership in monitoring and maintaining the facilities.

For farmers, Niyonkuru reminded and encouraged farmers to maintain working in cooperative for easy access to market and elimination of the middlemen influence.

The total budget for this project of Saemaul Foundation (SMUF) in Kamonyi District for 3 years is around 279,000 USD.

Modern Agriculture inputs and warehouses were also launched in Rugarika Sector and Karama Sector
Moon Sunghye, Director of Saemaul Rwanda, Kamonyi Vice Mayor, Uzziel Niyongira and Farmer





Johnson NDEKEZI is a Journalist covering all topics in the Entertainment World as well as Political and current Affairs.

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